Yoga For Athletes
Considering introducing yoga to your sports team or your individual sport?
I run tailor-made yoga sessions for athletes
Increased body awareness to better manage training regime
Poses for passive & active mobility
Flossing of tissue to minimise scare tissue/ adhesions and maintain mobility
Thixotropic effects on connective tissue and mobility
Increase circulation & hydration of tissues
Balance sides, work with sport induced asymmetries
Inversions for circulation & recovery
Tissue remodelling based on new demands
Enhanced tissue resilience & community effect
Enhance respiratory mechanics & lung capacity
Regulate nervous system & stress effects
Mental Focus & calm
Performance enhancement with optimising function & efficiency
Minimise injury with tissue resilience and all of the above

Yoga for Athletes sessions have completed for 2024. 2025 sessions to be scheduled. Sign up below for alerts on the 2025 sessions.
Yoga for Athletes sessions have completed for 2024. 2025 sessions to be scheduled. Sign up below for alerts on the 2025 sessions. *
No matter your sport – be it rowing, netball, cycling, running, rugby, or any other discipline, my Yoga for Athletes sessions are tailored just for you. Feedback from previous sessions include:
“That was awesome. I’ve always been flexible but previous yoga attempts hadn’t worked for me because of nerve issues around ankle support. Amelia showed me variations & modifications to both strengthen & support my weak areas.”
“The class structure was perfect for him; a simple, building class, non threatening & no unexpected leaps to a really difficult pose, great. He is incredibly inflexible with tight IT bands. Years of training & competing with no stretching!”
“Those sessions were the joy of my week, there may be times it was tough but I loved it! You are a skilled teacher & I wish more people understood the value of yoga practice.”
“Definitely walked out of your class this morning feeling way less stiff. Amazing how you do that Amelia. Just noticing again now so thought I’d let you know.”
ADHD and Yoga Workshop
‘No brain is the same. No brain is best. Each brain finds its own special way.’
- Dr E.M Hallowell, ADHD 2.0
Lack of concentration?
Struggle with Time Management?
Emotional Regulation?
Short Term Memory Like a Goldfish?
Easily distracted?
If you face any of the above challenges or have been diagnosed with ADHD, Yoga can be an effective tool to support you. Yoga helps your cognitive functions and restless symptoms, while promoting sleep and stress reduction.
ADHD can be both an advantage and a challenge. This workshop blends a dynamic moving session with discussion and practical insights, ensuring you leave with valuable tips and strategies on how yoga can help support you in managing ADHD symptoms.
This workshop accommodates both beginners and seasoned practitioners of Yoga, as well as anyone who’s restless or previously thought yoga too slow, boring or overly spiritual for themselves.
Disclaimer: Yoga does not substitute therapy or medication. This workshop is for educational insights only. It does not offer medical advice, assessment, diagnosis or treatment. For healthcare advice, consult your GP or a recommended healthcare specialist.
Feedback from previous ADHD workshops:
“The workshop was excellent, well researched & implemented”.
“Wonderful teacher! Great class, informative and helpful”.
“First time I’ve felt & supported doing yoga, loved meeting & hearing other’s stories”.
If keen to have a workshop or yoga sessions at your workplace or elsewhere, contact Amelia to chat through options.